K2 Research in 60 minutes with Alexandra Rojas: Train stations’ impact on housing prices: Direct and indirect effects

Welcome to K2 Research in 60 minutes, where we will explore the recently published paper Train stations’ impact on housing prices: Direct and indirect effects by Alexandra Rojas from Lund University. The purpose of this seminar is to facilitate a collaborative discussion from different academic perspectives.

Tuesday, April 23 at 11:00-12:00
You can attend the seminar in Jacobs at K2 in Lund or via Microsoft Teams 

A new train station may affect the local area in two ways: directly and indirectly. In the paper, direct effects are defined as changes caused directly by the station, for example shorter travel times. Indirect effects are viewed as changes resulting from additional investments that the train station may have attracted to the area, for example new residential and commercial property. The key difference is that indirect effects rely on other investments beyond the station itself. To fully understand how a new train station impacts the area, it's helpful to separate these effects.

During the discussion, we will consider the following points:

  • Can a train station alone bring significant benefits to the local area?
  • What other investments could enhance the benefits of a train station?
  • How do existing local conditions affect the potential benefits of a new train station?
  • To what extent is there coordination and collaboration between transportation investments and other non-transportation investments today?

Alexandra is keen to hear your thoughts on these topics.

Please note that K2 Research in 60 minutes offers the opportunity for more in-depth and critical discussion compared to K2 Research in 30 minutes, which features shorter presentations of recent publications. To derive maximum benefit from the 60-minute seminar, we strongly recommend reading the article in advance.

tisdag, 23 april, 2024
Online / K2, Lund