Knowledge lunch – Public participation in public transport

Welcome to K2's digital knowledge lunch on how the public can play an active role in decision-making processes within the public transport sector. What role does public participation play in the transition of the transport sector? Does it lead to better outcomes?

Monday 28 August at 12.15-12.55

Participate via Microsoft Teams

Presenting at the knowledge lunch are researchers Claus Hedegaard Sørensen from K2/VTI, Tom Rye from Molde University College (Norway) and Lily Song from Northeastern University (Boston, USA) who have all contributed to the book Public Participation in Transport in Times of Change.

This knowledge lunch will be held in English.


Välkommen till K2:s digitala Kunskapslunch om hur medborgare kan spela en aktiv roll i beslutsprocesser inom kollektivtrafiken. Vilken roll spelar medborgardeltagande för omställningen av transportsektorn? Leder det till bättre resultat?

Under kunskapslunchen får du lyssna till Claus Hedegaard Sørensen från K2/VTI, Tom Rye från Högskolan i Molde (Norge) samt Lily Song från Northeastern University (Boston, USA) som har skrivit kapitel i den nypublicerade boken Public Participation in Transport in Times of Change.

Den här kunskapslunchen hålls på engelska.

måndag, 28 augusti, 2023